DNOOM members can be regular or honorary.
Regular members can be:
teachers and associates of medical and related faculties in Croatia who show an active interest in the problems of education in general/family medicine
students of medical and related faculties in Croatia who show an active interest in teaching problems in general/family medicine, who fill out an application form and obtain a recommendation from a regular member of DNOOM
other experts who show an active interest in the problems of education in general/family medicine with the recommendation of a regular DNOOM member
Honorary members of DNOOM are persons who significantly improved the development of medical education in Croatia as a whole.
One becomes a member of DNOOM by registering in the register of members maintained by the secretary of DNOOM and by paying an annual membership fee of EUR 15.00 EUR.
DNOOM members are elected by the DNOOM Assembly at a regular session on the basis of a completed application form and received recommendations.
The honorary member is elected by the Assembly on the proposal of the Executive Board with the recommendation of two other regular members of DNOOM.
The annual membership fee is 15.00 EUR.
It is paid into the giro account: IBAN HR6523600001101572813
When making a payment, write Name and Surname, membership fee for the year 20xx (for which payment is made) in the payment description.
OIB can be entered in Call number.