Milica Katić

Milica Katić, full professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb, primarius, specialist in general / family medicine (GP/FM), was born in 1950 in Osijek. She worked as a family doctor at the Novi Zagreb Health Center and almost 40 years in the settlement of Dugave. Since 1984, she has worked at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zagreb at the Department of Family Medicine in cumulative employment at the Health Center Zagreb-Center. She was the head of the Department of Family Medicine from 2000-2002 and from 2007 to 2016. At the Ministry of Health, she twice led the Expert Working Group for Primary Health Care Reform, and was a member of other bodies. In the European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN), she was a national representative and then a member of the EGPRN Advisory Board. She has been a leader, national coordinator and active researcher in numerous scientific research projects funded by the Ministry of Science and other sources, as well as international projects led by EGPRN and the Netherlands Institute of Primary Health Care (NIVEL). By gathering researchers in the national network, conducting training in scientific research and organizing scientific research, she has significantly contributed to the improvement of scientific research in FM in Croatia. Areas of her professional and scientific activity include the content of work and the activity of GP/FM, and especially scientific research work in GP/FM. She has published numerous scientific and professional papers. She has mentored numerous graduate theses, five scientific master's theses and five doctoral dissertations. She is the author and editor of numerous textbooks and teaching texts for the graduate and postgraduate teaching and specialization in FM. Under her leadership, a new program of specialization in FM in 2011 was developed. Together with associates from the Department of Family Medicine, she designed courses for the training of mentors in FM in cooperation with the Association of Teachers in General Practice / Family Medicine (ATGP/FM). From 2012 to 2019, she was the head of the FM specialization program. She actively participates in the work of professional societies of FM. She was the president of the ATGP/FM for two terms, and now holds the position of vice president.